Limbo is a place you can’t escape from…
Memory and desire to act disappear…
All that remains is to wait
And wait even more stronger…
Everything is blurred
Dreams become reality, imperceptibly…
And court proceedings endlessly drag on,
Ad infinitum…
Devised by a company of emerging European artists and directed by Andrzej & Teresa Welminski. Their practice stems from their creative participation in Cricot-2 Theatre of Tadeusz Kantor back from 1970, and after the Theatre’s dissolution in 1992 – from continued theatrical activity and work on their own, autonomous spectacles. The rudimental plot structure, parallel editing, chaos and discipline, metamorphoses and loopings are the main components of their theatre.
The Welminskis do not have their own theatre troupe; working with young people and artists of different disciplines in various places of the world they encourage them to form some small informal collectives. They join together these people motivated by the selfless passion into the teams of artists of different generations, traditions and believes…
Pretty often strong relations with such groups last for long and lead to the project expansion, evolution, transmutation, to reach a fully matured work form which can be presented to the audience at some international festivals.
The actions are based on local specifics of a given place and individual skills, talents, predispositions and abilities of the participants.
The methods adopted by them break stereotypes, referring to the autonomous theatre idea in which all the components of a piece of art are equal, touching the fundamental principles of contemporary art, emphasizing the role of risk, creativity, uncertainty, irreversibility and co-responsibility for the eventual shape of the spectacle.
The clashes of different theatrical conventions and references to the Eastern theatre are the solutions promoting anti-illusionism, waiving the commonly used methods of narration.
The objects and machines are especially created and they have their own personality, they tell their own stories. The important element of a spectacle is the object animation and connected with it numerous transformations and metamorphoses of space.
Limbo to miejsce z którego nie możesz się wydostać…
Zanika pamięć i chęć działania
Pozostaje tylko czekać
Jeszcze mocniej czekać…
Wszystko się rozmywa
Sny niezauważalnie przechodzą w rzeczywistość
A przewody sądowe ciągną się bez końca
Ad infinitum…